Smart Picogen
Easily deployable, energy autonomous, capable of detecting anomalies in drinking water pipes while transmitting real-time alerts to operators, the SMART PICOGEN is a concentrate of technology.
This brings together, in the same body, a set of efficient, existing and innovative devices. Installed directly on the pipe, it performs the necessary measurements for effective real-time diagnosis of water quality.
The SMART PICOGEN measures key water system characteristics such as flow and pressure, as well as quality parameters such as free chlorine, pH, turbidity, conductivity and temperature. It collects and transmits this data, locally to the industrial controller and remotely to the supervision center, while producing, storing and managing the energy necessary for measurements and transmission.
SMART PICOGEN facilitates the transition from an aging water network to an intelligent water network capable of facing its future challenges.
The strength of this solution, beyond its technical performance, lies in its design. This allows for simplified use, giving operators the ability to easily install the SMART PICOGEN into the water network, like a standard pipe fitting, and instantly obtain water characteristics in their monitoring system .
The SMART PICOGEN is also designed to be scalable, providing the ability to add or update features over time. Rbringing together a full range of features and eeasy to install, scalable, energy self-sufficient and more economical than all other existing solutions: eit represents one of the ideal management solutions for operators of drinking water networks.