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Smart Water business intelligence week 23/09/2024


This approach initiated by the European Union aims to create a network bringing together different stakeholders within the Member States, whether cities, regions, countries or NGOs:

UE : lancement d’un appel à partenaires « Villes sensibles à l’eau »


Water polluted by heavy metals can pose a threat when consumed by humans and aquatic life. Polymers derived from plant sugars eliminate these metals, but often require other substances to adjust their stability or solubility in water. Recently, researchers from the ACS (American Chemical Society) presented a sugar-like polymer that traps heavy metals in insoluble clusters to facilitate their elimination. In proof-of-concept tests, the polymer removed ionic cadmium and lead from river water enriched with these persistent contaminants:

Carbohydrate polymers could be a sweet solution for water purification


43% of tap water samples tested by the Radio France investigation unit and the France Bleu network contain PFAS, also known as eternal pollutants. Chemical molecules that accumulate in the body and can have a negative impact on health:

Eau du robinet : la carte de France de la contamination aux polluants éternels


Leveraging historic state and federal infrastructure investments to strengthen climate resilience and increase water supply, the State Water Resources Control Board distributed approximately $880 million to water systems and communities in the last fiscal year for projects that will benefit approximately 12 million Californians:

California invests $880 million in water resilience projects over past year