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Smart Water business intelligence week 20/11/2023


According to a new UNICEF report, 1 in 3 children worldwide – or 739 million children – already live in an area exposed to severe or very severe water shortages, and climate change threatens to make the situation worse. situation:

1 enfant sur 3 exposé à une sévère pénurie d’eau


A solar-powered floating device capable of transforming contaminated water or seawater into clean hydrogen and purified water anywhere in the world has been developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge:

Solar-powered device produces clean water and clean fuel at the same time


New data published by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shows that 44 million people consume water contaminated by PFAS in the US, while upcoming testing campaigns are planned to cover the entire territory:

New EPA data show millions more have ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water


Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen, announced the EU’s intention to support the upgrade of Barbados’ climate-resilient infrastructure for clean water, in line with the Global Gateway investment program presented at the summit UE-CELAC last July:

L’UE aide la Barbade à moderniser des infrastructures résilientes au changement climatique pour une eau propre dans le cadre de la stratégie Global Gateway

Smart Water business intelligence