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Smart Water business intelligence week 15/07/2024


Aging networks, new health and environmental standards, pollution, climate change, dewatering of soils… The challenges in terms of water management are numerous for intermunicipalities, which by 2026 will be alone in charge of this competence, and accompanying investments. Solutions exist, starting with the support of experts capable of guiding them towards the most suitable choices, and helping them with financing. But communities must also adapt to this cross-cutting issue, which requires political coherence:

L’eau, nouveau défi des intercommunalités


Several associations, which analyzed around thirty water samples from ten EU countries, are warning of the presence of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) in Europe. However, the latter is, for the moment, not taken into account by European regulations:

l’ONG Pesticide Action Network alerte sur la forte présence du “polluant éternel” TFA dans l’eau potable en Europe


The regulatory framework relating to the use of recycled water within the agri-food industries (IAA) is now fully operational. For certain industries, this “reuse” of water will allow a saving of 15% to 80% in drinking water:

Sobriété en eau : une nouvelle étape franchie pour les industries agroalimentaires


The Observatory of Public Water and Sanitation Services (led by the French Biodiversity Office) has published its 14th national report. The main development to note is an average price of water and sanitation which is increasing, however at a rate lower than inflation:

Publication du 14e rapport national de l’Observatoire des services publics d’eau et d’assainissement, édition 2024

Smart Water business intelligence