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Smart Water business intelligence week 08/07/2024


In a unique way in Europe, and in continuation of the Explore2070 project, the Explore2 project, supported by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the OFB, provides hydroclimatic projections in the metropolis at a very fine spatial scale and over the entire 21st century. century, based on IPCC scenarios and the latest scientific advances in hydrology. In addition, the LIFE Water&Climat project, financially supported by the European Commission, involved local water management organizations and scientific and technical structures to develop tools to help water managers better take take climate change into account:

​Explore2, LIFE Eau&Climat : des clés pour l’adaptation de la gestion de l’eau


With the installation of two new stations upstream of Paris, and the integration of innovative measurement technologies, the SIAAP MeSeine observatory continues its evolution, in order to make its monitoring of the water quality of the Seine and from the Marne:

Le SIAAP enrichit l’observatoire MeSeine, son outil de surveillance des rivières franciliennes


A landmark UK Supreme Court ruling on the dumping of sewage into waterways could prompt more waterway owners to take legal action against polluting water companies:

UK Supreme Court judgement against United Utilities sets precedent for water pollution law suits


Dubai just announced an $8 billion plan for a stormwater runoff system, two months after unprecedented bad weather and widespread flooding paralyzed the city:

Dubai to build $8bln stormwater runoff system after record floods

Smart Water business intelligence