
Smart Water business intelligence week 07/03/2022


According to a new report from IoT analyst firm Berg Insight, the installed base of water utility AMI terminals in Europe and North America is expected to double over the period 2021-2027. At the end of 2021, the combined installed base of AMI terminals in Europe and North America stood at 49.6 million units. This number is expected to increase by 13.3% to reach 104.9 million in 2027. The total number of communicating water meters – including AMI and AMR – will at the same time increase from 145.7 million units in 2021 to 197 .3 million units. in 2027:

The number of water AMI endpoints in Europe and North America to double in the next six years


Multiple technologies are used to measure the flow rates of the usual fluids in the water industry. But depending on the physical and chemical characteristics of these, some are more suitable than others. Detailed review of the possibilities:

Débitmètres, comment faire le bon choix ?


The choice of a social water policy must be adapted to local issues, simple for users and have the lowest possible management cost for local authorities, considers the flash mission of the National Assembly on the subject, which presented, on February 23, 2022, its recommendations to allow deployment throughout France:

Tarification sociale de l’eau : des pistes pour lever les freins à sa généralisation


Reducing poverty and increasing development are central objectives for the African Development Bank. To achieve them, this institution has developed a strategic plan where access to water is a priority:

[ADB]: Managing water variability is becoming one of the key development challenges facing Africa

Smart Water business intelligence