Market trends

Smart Water business intelligence week 01/07/2024


The first negotiations by EU co-legislators on the list of pollutants to be monitored in an update of the Water Framework Directive have started. This raises the Greens’ fears about the dismantling of European rules protecting water:

Member states’ water pollutant wish list sees green backlash


Human sources of methane emissions from water emit more than three billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year due to methane emissions. The British startup Bluemethane offers a new technology for valorizing this aquatic methane:

Bluemethane unveils novel tech to capture methane from water


Because fresh water resources are becoming a concern in southwest Europe, a group of state partners are meeting at the end of June 2024 in Seville as part of the European TARGET project. The aim of TARGET is to promote strategies for sustainable water management and prevention of water shortages, integrating the use of unconventional water such as treated wastewater, rainwater and gray water:

L’Espagne, le Portugal et la France planchent ensemble sur l’eau


The World Bank has just approved $200 million in financing to support Senegal in improving safely managed sanitation services and water resources in priority water security areas:

Eau et assainissement au Sénégal : la Banque mondiale renforce son soutien pour atteindre 7 millions d’habitants au Sénégal


Smart Water business intelligence