Smart Water business intelligence week 01/05/2023
The Eau des Portes de Bretagne union presented its objectives for 2023. Economy, works and renewal of the network… Teddy Régnier, the president, takes stock:
Eau des Portes de Bretagne : le syndicat veut économiser 1 million de m3 d’eau potable
French municipalities have recently started desalinating seawater to deal with drought. However, this process has harmful ecological repercussions:
Dessaler l’eau de mer : fausse solution, vraie catastrophe écologique
The Delegation for local authorities and decentralization of the National Assembly has just submitted a report following a flash mission on the exercise of powers relating to water and sanitation by municipalities and their groups:
Eau et assainissement : survol du rapport de la mission « flash » de l’A.N
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) just announced 102 grants totaling $232,709,981 from the state’s American Rescue Plan (ARP) fund, a portion of which is administered by TDEC in the form subsidies for drinking water, waste water and storm water. Since August, TDEC has awarded and announced $634,404,544 in grant funds through ARP programming:
[USA] TDEC Announces Additional $232 Million in Water Infrastructure Investments