Smart Water business intelligence
In the light of feedback from the health crisis and tensions over the resource, the FP2E formulates 7 measures and in particular the creation of an Aquae fund for infrastructure and pipelines and the desire to secure the supply of drinking water by doubling the network renewal rate and by digitizing their management:
FP2E : Les 7 leçons de la crise du coronavirus
The rise of digital decision support tools seems to be gaining ground in the water market. However, this development remains very slow in a sector where risk taking is not an option:
The rise of decision support tools in water/wastewater
Today, one liter in five of water treated and distributed in France is lost. In question, a significant underinvestment in the aging distribution network. However, with global warming, episodes of drought and heat wave, the issue becomes essential. The Federation of Water Companies calls in the national recovery plan to double the rate of network renewal. A project already identified by the new Prime Minister Jean Castex:
En France, 20 % de l’eau potable fuit dans la nature et le plan de relance verte doit y remédier
The Secretary of State for Ecological Transition, Emmanuelle Wargon, signed this July 1, 2020 the agreement of the Action program of local authorities for energy efficiency 2 (Actee) during a trip to the North. Thanks to the EWC system, a budget of 100 million euros is thus allocated to communities to accelerate their ecological transition:
Rénovation énergétique : 100 M€ débloqués pour les bâtiments publics