
Smart Water business intelligence


The French Biodiversity Office published this Friday, June 19, the ninth national report of the Observatory of public water and sanitation services, apart from data for the 2017 financial year. A notable fact is that on this period, around 60% of the municipalities comply with the NOTRe law in terms of the transfer of water and sanitation skills to EPCIs:

Neuvième rapport national de l’Observatoire des services publics d’eau et d’assainissement


Estimates show that by the end of 2025, 50% of the world’s population will live in water-stressed areas. IoT in the water sector can promote better operability in the processing, storage and distribution of the resource in various fields. Taking this scenario from a broader perspective, this article explains how the water industry can use the help of technology to control excessive water use:

IoT in Water — What you need to know about Intelligent Water Systems


Despite the “leaks” decree, taken in 2012, after the “Grenelle de l’Environnement”, the performance of water networks has made little progress. The network managers in public service delegation perform slightly better than the networks governed by the provisions of this text, according to the French Office for Biodiversity:

Eau : un milliard de mètres cubes partis en fuites


The online retail giant Amazon announced Tuesday, June 23, the creation of an investment fund with $ 2 billion to finance companies that will achieve “a zero carbon economy”:

Amazon annonce un fonds pour le climat doté de 2 milliards de dollars

Smart Water business intelligence