Market trends

Smart Water business intelligence


Instead of planting wheat, barley or corn in the catchment areas, eight Lorraine farms have undertaken to produce lentils. Legumes that require no treatment and no fertilizer. This choice improves the quality of drinking water:

Ces agriculteurs lorrains qui produisent des lentilles en préservant les nappes phréatiques


An ADEME infographic on water stress and some of the actions taken to address this issue:

[Infographie ADEME] Cycle de l’eau : Attention aux fuites


The EU has just launched the Global Alliance for a Circular Economy and Resource Efficient Use, in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Program & the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. The Alliance, which brings together governments, organizations and networks active on these issues, aims to provide global momentum for the transition to a circular economy, efficient use of resources and sustainable consumption and production:

Lancement de l’Alliance mondiale pour une économie circulaire et une utilisation efficace des ressources


From fruit juices to green pharmaceuticals, seawater and more sustainable electronics, new innovative technologies are helping to lay the foundations for a circular water economy – thanks to several funded research projects by the EU:

Circular economy solutions showcase the business model for sustainable water use

Smart Water business intelligence