Market trends

Smart Water business intelligence


According to an Ifop study commissioned by Suez, 76% of mayors fear that the takeover of Suez by Veolia will cause water and sanitation prices to rise:

Rapprochement entre Suez et Veolia : les maires craignent une hausse des prix de l’assainissement


LiqTech (Denmark) launches a unique filter membrane, based on a new hybrid technology where several ceramic materials are combined into a single membrane. The technology is called Hybrid Technology Membrane (HTM) and has the potential to be an essential part of water and liquid filtration of the future:

Liqtech launches groundbreaking water filtration technology


During wastewater treatment, the removal of micropollutants is incomplete and some remain in the water discharged into the environment. Researchers from INRAE, in collaboration with the Synteau (National Union of Water Treatment Companies), assessed, for the first time at the level of France, the potential impact of a hundred micropollutants on human health and aquatic environments. Their results show that micropollutants have a significant potential impact, in particular certain pesticides, certain hydrocarbons, certain drug residues, certain hormones and metals such as copper, zinc or aluminum. It is therefore important to put in place actions to reduce at source and treat these substances:

Micropolluants en sortie de station d’épuration : quels impacts sur la santé humaine et les milieux aquatiques ?


The European Commission has approved an investment of almost € 370 million from the Cohesion Fund to increase the supply of drinking water and the collection and treatment of wastewater in Romania:

EC approves €370 million for better water quality and reduced wastewater in Romania

Smart Water business intelligence Veille Smart Water